Saturday, 5 May 2012

Random thoughts...(or my head feels like a Cy Twombly painting)

Been in and out of the 'zone' these last couple of days - which sometimes feels like a precarious place to be - one moment 'eureka!' and you just get 'it', the next amnesia....what was all that fuss about? Who knows, but it's all part of the privilege of being an artist I think.
Cy Twombly - Hero and Leanda (1985) image uploaded from Pinterest - original source unknown.

If I could paint the inside of my head on a good day I would like to think it would look like this Cy Twombly painting. Will upload some work-in-progress soon...happy weekend, A x

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Collections & Obsessions - 'Drawing'

Here's a few of the recent artists whose drawings I have come across lately on the web and been collecting on Pinterest, and some long-time favourites;
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Really loving the beautiful work of Izziyana Suhaimi - a delicate mixture of drawing, watercolour and embroidery. 

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Margherita Manzelli is an intriguing figurative painter whose work I have followed since I came across it unexpectedly at an exhibition in Florence. I really love the delicate line in her drawings (and the slight freakishness!).

Uploaded from artist's website www.shanemcadams
The artist describes this as a painting but I love the delicate mark-making/line drawing in these works; created with ball-point pen on resin.

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Check out more of this Illustrator/Painter Joao Ruas on I love the overlapping and layers within this drawing.

Bree Dentice - uploaded from
This drawing is called 'Bunny Up-chuck' and not only does the artist have a great name but thinks up great titles - I especially like it for the physical discomfort it brings to mind juxtaposed with the delicate detail of the drawing.
Uploaded from artist's website
One my favourite drawings from Mercedes Helnwein's exhibition 'whistling-past-the-graveyard'(2008)- a collection which comprises of detailed drawings mainly of stylishly dressed women in strange ambiguous scenes. 

uploaded from artist's website -
This is a painting by artist Henrik Simonsen but I love the lines within it so I had to include it here - created with oil and charcoal on canvas. 

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George Shaw is one of my favourite painters so I thought I would include one of his drawings. Slightly more fluid than his paintings they capture the moodiness and unexpected beauty in the surroundings.

You can follow my collections on Pinterest;